Ageless Aging: A woman’s guide to increasing healthspan, brainspan, and lifespan.
We are in the midst of a longevity revolution with women living an average of six years longer than men. But despite that, women are not necessarily living well, typically spending the last 14 years of their lives in a cascade of poor health. Ageless Aging presents a pioneering new way for women to change this reality…to feel vital, energetic, and purposeful. It provides a holistic action plan to help women take advantage of the scientific, medical, psychological, and spiritual tools, tips, and advice available to them to thrive in the second half of life. Read more

Influence How Woman’s Soaring Economic
Power Will Transform Our World for the Better
In the United States and in many nations around the world, women are on the cusp of new financial power—and evidence suggests that women will use this power to improve society in ways we can only begin to imagine. Read more

Cycles How We Will Live, Work and Buy
Throughout most of history, life was short and people lived a predictable linear life plan: first they learned, then they worked, then they rested and died. That was life. But that model of life is quickly changing as life expectancy soars and the boomer generation begins to hit their so-called mature years. Read more

Gideon’s Dream A Tale of New Beginnings
Just as other children’s classics reveal major life lessons, Gideon’s Dream is a classic story with a deep message: it’s never too late to live your dreams. This is a wonderfully positive and uplifting book to read to children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Read more
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Elyse Pellman
(510) 899-4006
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